PinnedBlack Women — Who Protects the Protector?I watched a black woman slice through chaos, and plumes of hot tear gas billowing, ignoring the cacophony of sirens blaring, shrill chants…Jun 2, 2020Jun 2, 2020
What Is “Funny” — A Referendum on Today’s ComedySome jokes aren’t landing the same…Mar 29, 2022Mar 29, 2022
arrowThe moments I feel unsure of what comes next are the moments I'm most conscious of my flesh; crooked feet, creaking knees, bags below…Jan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022
harakiri1. Life reminds me of drunken nights, dancing. You never really remember how offbeat you might have been - only the songs, who you were…Dec 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021
Rest In Peace DMX“It’s Dark and Hell Is Hot” - it was the title of the album that I hid from my parents and wore out all through ’98 and ’99. When I look…Apr 9, 20211Apr 9, 20211
“Dear Money” — A Letter To Reclaim What Is MineThe letter many of us need to write to start a different kind of relationship with money.Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
The Monsters We MadeIt’s time to accept that Black women aren’t just dying. We’ve normalized and accepted Black men killing them.Aug 30, 2020Aug 30, 2020
I Ate Only Black-Owned Restaurants for 30 Days: Here’s What I LearnedIt’s not easy, it’s not perfect, but there’s hope…Jul 7, 20201Jul 7, 20201
Drunk Dreams: Life Without PoliceA preview of what a big city might look like without police on a Friday night.Jul 3, 2020Jul 3, 2020
Wind Chimes (for Nipsey)It was a sunny day, but Mrs. Williams was not in the best mood. Her brow was furrowed, and her protruding lips which usually puckered out…Jun 20, 2020Jun 20, 2020
Juneteenth, America, and Old White LadiesSaying “Black Lives Matter” has jumped the shark — but now is it just performative?Jun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020
Black Boy, White World: Blackness at Texas A&M University“IF THE SOUTH WOULD’VE WON, WE WOULD’VE HAD IT MADE”Jun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
The Fatigue of BlacknessThe sun perched stubbornly, just above the bails of hay and bored cattle along I-10. I was heading west, from Houston to San Antonio to…May 28, 20201May 28, 20201
I’m not sure what caused Anthony Bourdain to take his own life.People don’t realize it, but in this life, you will truly only live in one place. Ever.May 26, 2020May 26, 2020
For Ahmaud ArberyYesterday I watched a man be lynched with no noose. I watched the video 25. Times. On loop. I know… Karen and Todd need proof, Hardy Boys…May 8, 2020May 8, 2020