I’m not sure what caused Anthony Bourdain to take his own life.

People don’t realize it, but in this life, you will truly only live in one place. Ever.
Your head.
You may live in a shack, or a mansion. You may spend a summer in France to study abroad, or couch-crash at a friend’s place in Cali. No matter where you move your things, and hang your clothes, you will always live in your head.
Do you clean up in there? Is it overcrowded with baggage and things strewn recklessly? Is it secure, or are thoughts from the outside world constantly breaking in to steal your joy or your peace? Is it properly insulated to handle when life gets cold? Is it properly wired to ensure that positivity can flow and illuminate the deepest corridors… or is it always dark?
We take whole weekends or even hire help to clean up our homes and apartments, but we don’t take the time or hire a therapist to help us clean up our minds.
The whirlwind of life… from family to romance… work life to social life… there are so many thoughts, events, memories, and people that pass through our mental home and they don’t get put up or removed on their own. We have to put them up ourselves, or with the help of others. Damage caused by life’s traumas needs to be repaired. Memories like old clothes need to be reviewed, categorized, and either hung up in the closet for easy access, or stored in the attic. Some events need to be dusted off and filed as lessons while others are fond memories that we can leave at the forefront of our minds like pictures on a fridge. Some people are constantly in our mind creating a mess and disorganizing what we work so hard to clean up — we need to kick them out. Maybe like a carelessly constructed home, we don’t have enough natural light flowing in; we need to build more windows for positivity — or, at worst, give ourselves more positive affirmations and positive inflow to create enough artificial light to keep the darkness at bay. If you’re constantly getting heated over situations or you feel the world is too cold, maybe you need your thermostat repaired — which means you need a professional to look at your wiring and to help you figure out the optimal temperature to keep you happy.
My point is…PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR REAL HOME! Pay attention to its upkeep and it’s maintenance. You don’t have a “heart” as we constantly romanticize in our culture. You have one place in your body that simultaneously manages your physical self, the emotions you express, and the decisions you make.
Please take care of yourself and take the health of your mind seriously. You only get one.
#mentalhealthmonth #mentalhealth #AnthonyBourdain #KateSpade #mentalillness #takecareofyourself #mentalhealthawarenessmonth